Mapping and Updating Area For Population Census in 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balikpapan Municipality

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Mapping and Updating Area For Population Census in 2020

Mapping and Updating Area For Population Census in 2020

April 22, 2019 | BPS Activities

Preparing Population Census in 2020, BPS Balikpapan conduct mapping and updating all areas in Balikpapan. The result will be used in next year Population Census therefore no area nor people will be missed in census. This agenda will be held until May, 22nd of 2019.
Before mapping the area, BPS Balikpapan coordinated with government in Kelurahan (urban village) and RT (neighbourhood) so they're informed and BPS Balikpapan get the access to enter their area.
If there are mappers come to your area, ensure they bring their identity card and letter of assignment from BPS Balikpapan.
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