SKD for New Student Admissions for the STIS Statistics Polytechnic - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balikpapan Municipality

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SKD for New Student Admissions for the STIS Statistics Polytechnic

SKD for New Student Admissions for the STIS Statistics Polytechnic

July 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello Data Friends!

Currently, the Selection for New Student Admissions for the STIS Statistics Polytechnic for the 2024/2025 Academic Year has entered the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) stage. The SKD administered by the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) includes the Personal Characteristics Test (TKP), General Intelligence Test (TIU), and National Insight Test (TWK). 

For East Kalimantan Province, SKD is carried out at UPT BKN Balikpapan from Sunday (21/07) to Monday (22/07). BPS Balikpapan City is accompanying BPS East Kalimantan Province in implementing this SKD. Hopefully the exam participants are able to complete well and can become part of the STIS Polstat Class 66 students 💪🏻

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