National Statistics Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balikpapan Municipality

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National Statistics Day

National Statistics Day

September 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello data friends, today is commemorated as National Statistics Day (HSN).
On the commemoration of HSN 2024, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) set the theme “Quality Statistics for Golden Indonesia”. This theme emphasizes the importance of statistical data to build the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045, realizing Indonesia as a “Sovereign, Advanced, and Sustainable Archipelago”.
Statistical data used as the basis for national development does not only come from BPS. Other ministries/agencies also have the authority to produce sectoral data in accordance with the needs of policy planning in their respective fields. BPS, as a state institution in the field of statistics, plays a role in strengthening sectoral statistics by providing guidance to ministries / institutions in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia.
With quality statistical data, decision-making in policy-making will be data-based to suit the needs and right on target, as a step towards the Golden Indonesia 2045.
Happy National Statistics Day 2024. Let's collaborate to realize
Quality Statistics for Golden Indonesia.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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