Meet the 2026 Economic Census Logo - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balikpapan Municipality

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Meet the 2026 Economic Census Logo

Meet the 2026 Economic Census Logo

October 1, 2024 | BPS Activities

Introducing the 2026 Economic Census Logo

Shabat Data, on the occasion of National Statistics Day on September 26, 2024, the 2026 Economic Census (SE2026) logo was launched. The Economic Census is one of the censuses conducted by BPS every ten years to record business actors in Indonesia.

The SE2026 logo was designed by Yumakiso Std. @yukakiso_ and depicts our active role in efforts to advance and improve national economic life through the Economic Census.

Let's welcome the sixth Economic Census in 2026.

#LoveData #SElangkah2026
#BPSBalikpapan #BadanPusatStatistik #Balikpapan #SahabatData #BerkaryaDenganData
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