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Happy 96th Mother's Day

Happy 96th Mother's Day

Happy 96th Mother's Day

December 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Hi Friends of Data
The commemoration of Mother's Day (PHI), which is held every December 22, is an effort by the Indonesian people to remember and appreciate the struggle of Indonesian women in seizing and filling independence.
The theme of the 96th PHI of 2024 is Women Greeting, Women Empowered Towards Golden Indonesia 2045 which means inspiring and building public awareness and support for the importance of women's empowerment. This year's PHI also recognizes the active role, struggle and contribution of women to the progress of the nation.
The meaning and inspiration need to be communicated in every interaction to the entire community, especially to encourage solidarity and support among women.
Awareness of health can be seen in the percentage of Ever-Married Women Aged 15-49 Years Who Have Given Birth to a Live Born Child (ALH) in the Last 2 Years with the Last ALH Birth Attendant by Health Personnel by Characteristics in Balikpapan Municipality, 2024. This percentage shows that all mothers care about the health of their children at birth.
Details can be seen in the Publication “People's Welfare Statistics of Balikpapan City Volume 5, 2024” which can be downloaded for free on the website of BPS Balikpapan Municipality.

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