Role and Contribution of MSEs in East Kalimantan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balikpapan Municipality

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Role and Contribution of MSEs in East Kalimantan

Role and Contribution of MSEs in East Kalimantan

January 30, 2025 | Other Activities

✨ Hi, Sahabat Data! ✨

Did you know that Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) play a big role in driving the economy in East Kalimantan? From the latest data, MSEs account for 97.61 percent of the total non-agricultural businesses in the province. The most dominant sectors are Wholesale and Retail Trade, Car & Motorcycle Repair and Provision of Accommodation and Food/Beverage.

This data was obtained from the 2016 Economic Census. Now, are you curious about how MSEs and the East Kalimantan economy will develop in 2026? Let's look forward to the results of the next Economic Census! 😉

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