February 28, 2025 | BPS Activities
Hello #SahabatData 👋🏻
BPS-Statistics of Balikpapan Municipality is conducting the February 2025 National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) Enumeration. This activity took place in selected census blocks starting from Saturday, February 8 to Friday, February 28, 2025.
This survey aims to collect the latest data related to employment, such as labor force participation rate, unemployment rate, and main characteristics of the workforce in Balikpapan Municipality. The information collected will be the basis for formulating labor and economic development policies.
We invite all people in the selected census blocks to actively participate and provide honest and accurate answers to the enumeration officers. Let's build quality data together for a better future! 💪
#BPSBalikpapan #BadanPusatStatistik #Balikpapan #SahabatData #BerkaryaDenganData #SElangkah2026 #MencatatEkonomiIndonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Balikpapan (Statistics Balikpapan)Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 84. Balikpapan-Kalimantan Timur
Telp/Faks (62-542) 737554Mailbox : bps6471@bps.go.id
Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu : pst6471@bps.go.id