Knowledge Sharing and Performance Agreement Meeting of BPS-Statistics Balikpapan Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balikpapan Municipality

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Knowledge Sharing and Performance Agreement Meeting of BPS-Statistics Balikpapan Municipality

Knowledge Sharing and Performance Agreement Meeting of BPS-Statistics Balikpapan Municipality

January 31, 2025 | Other Activities

Balikpapan, January 31, 2024 - BPS-Statistics Balikpapan Municipality held a Knowledge Sharing activity related to the Change Ambassador action plan and performance agreement determination meeting. The event took place in the meeting room of BPS-Statistics Balikpapan Municipality.

This Sharing Knowledge activity aims to strengthen the understanding of the roles and responsibilities of Change Ambassadors in encouraging organizational transformation, innovation, and improving services to the community. The participants discussed strategies and steps to implement an effective action plan to support the vision and mission of BPS-Statistics.

After the Knowledge Sharing session, the event continued with a performance agreement meeting. This performance agreement is a form of commitment and accountability of BPS-Statistics Balikpapan Municipality in achieving the targets and performance indicators that have been set. With this agreement, it is expected that all levels of BPS-Statistics can work more optimally in providing accurate and quality statistical data.

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